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Angus's Story

“I remember how they treated my wife and now, how they treat me.”

Angus and Sheila had been married for 39 years when Sheila very sadly passed away in July 2009.

Sheila lived with secondary breast cancer for two years and was treated and supported by Weston Park Hospital.

In 2022, Angus, now aged 77, was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Angus tells us his story.

“The years pass by, but I still remember Sheila and I receiving her breast cancer diagnosis like it was yesterday. You hear about other people living with cancer, but you never think it will affect you.

“Sheilawas treated by the wonderful staff at Weston Park Hospital, and we really couldn’t thank them enough for their support. The work they do is truly remarkable – and I still remember now how supportive they were through our hardest times.

“I happened to be club captain at Tankersley Golf Club in the year that Sheila passed away and, in her memory, I chose Weston Park Cancer Charity to be our charity of the year.”

Angus, who has two daughters Jane and Elizabeth, talks about his prostate cancer diagnosis and the charity’s free transport service.

“I knew when I was diagnosed that I would receive first-class care from Weston Park. The main issue for me was getting to the hospital from where I live in High Green in Sheffield.

“My daughter took me up for my first radiotherapy appointment, and she suggested I ask about any transport services that may be in place.

“I was in luck. The charity provides a free-of-charge bus service and one of the stops is Meadowhall – which is perfect for me.

“The bus drivers are all so friendly and I enjoy hearing their stories and equally, sharing mine. It makes the whole experience easier, as by the time I’ve got to the hospital we’ve already had a bit of a laugh on the way.

“Getting the bus enables me to make my own way to my appointments, and it’s direct which means I don’t have to think about parking or running late.

“I honestly can’t thank the charity and the hospital enough for their extraordinary care. From the consultants to the nurses, to the voluntary bus drivers – you do absolutely amazing work. I remember how they treated my wife and now, how they treat me.

“There’s no denying the heartache that cancer brings not only to the person living with it but also for family and friends. That’s why the charity is so amazing.

“It's little things like having a chat with the bus driver about the football results, or the latest goings on. It doesn’t have to all be about cancer. A chat can change someone’s day – and I know they’ve changed some of my hardest days.”

Angus urges people to support the charity where they can.

He said: “Weston Park Cancer Charity helps people who are affected by cancer in so many ways. Not only do they help fund life-saving treatments and research, but they support people like me through some of the hardest times. Donate if you can, it really will help.

For more information about our free transport and our cancer support services, call 0114 553 3330 or email

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