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Celebrating three years of our free transport service – Introducing Sally and Caroline

This month marks three incredible years since our free transport service took to the roads of South Yorkshire. Hear from two patients who have used the service and share their experience.

Introducing Sally and Caroline, two amazing patients sharing their experience of our free transport service.
"I’d recommend everything at Weston Park Cancer Charity, they've been fantastic. A real lifeline."

We’ve spoken to Sally from Chesterfield who has been receiving treatment at Weston Park Hospital for just over a year.

Sally praises the free transport service, talks all about her positive experience of getting to and from the hospital and regards the service as ‘a godsend’ and the charity as a ‘lifeline’.

Sally said: “I heard about the charity from friends and on Facebook. It's been absolutely a godsend coming to the hospital on the transport. I used it every week. I came for five and a half weeks, picked up from Tesco in mornings and afternoons, depending on my appointment time.

“I found it useful coming in on the transport service, I do drive, but the traffic in Sheffield is horrendous as you know.

“It cut the stress levels down and I had no need for family and friends to bring me in. I just hopped on the transport, left my car at Tesco and came in stress free. The great drivers and the great transport – it’s convenient."

Sally talks about making friends with other patients.

She said: “It's been great traveling with all the patients. They are all in the same boat. We all know how each other feels.

“They've been great, they stop for anybody for anything. Chatting to others on the bus, I’ve made some good friends.”

She talks about the other services by the charity. She said: “I’ve also made use of the other services at the Support Centre.

“I’ve had some reflexology, acupuncture, massages and now I'm attending a beauty workshop, which is great. They're all fantastic and very friendly.

“The services have been useful for my mental health as well as meeting other people in the same boat, attending support sessions, talking to other people, it's really helped.

“I would recommend the charity, the services, the transport, I’d recommend everything at Weston Park Cancer Charity, they've been fantastic. A real lifeline.”

“They're all just absolutely phenomenal.”

Caroline was sadly diagnosed with breast cancer back in December 2022. She tells us her story, how she found the charity, about meeting new friends on the bus and praises the charity as ‘phenomenal’.

Caroline said: “After I had the first operation, I went through my pathology results, and they told me I would be having radiotherapy.

“They told me I would be coming to Western Park, but I didn't know anything about where it was, how they operated or anything like that. And then I discovered the wonderful Weston Park Cancer Charity.

“They also told me about the Support Centre with the Charity, and because of the medication they were going to put me on, they said I would get a lot of hot flushes and menopausal symptoms.

“So I kind of jumped on the bandwagon on that one because I thought the acupuncture they did was absolutely fantastic so I thought I'm going to give this to go straight away.

“They just take such good care of you and they're all just absolutely phenomenal. I would recommend them to anybody.”

Caroline talks about her positive experience of using our free transport service.

She said: “I had to look through all the leaflets, found the number, gave them a call and they were really, really helpful.

“They went through everything with me to help me through the appointment system and how the bus worked. It was perfect because I was able to park the car at Tesco in Chesterfield.

“I used it every time I had radiotherapy treatment, any sessions I had with my consultant. I also used it every time that I had any sessions at the Support Centre. I used it all the time.

“Everyone was so helpful. I think with regards to the actual charity, they are incredible."

Caroline talks about meeting other patients on the bus.

Caroline said: “Travelling with other patients is really good. You get to know people, especially if you're traveling with them on a regular basis, you can openly talk about things that you wouldn't normally talk about with your family.

“I think the people on the bus understand a little bit more about what you're going through because they're kind of going through the same thing. So that does help and it makes you more relaxed about the treatment and the stuff that you're going through.

“I met Mary who was driving the bus the first time I ever went on the bus. She was very welcoming. I then met Sally and we got talking and hit it off quite well.

“We all did 2023 Walk As One event together, which was really nice. We had such a good day and raised a lot of money for a great cause. We had a fabulous day, it was amazing.”

Caroline recommends the transport service and highlights how it is a lifeline for people going through extremely hard times.

Caroline said: “I would absolutely recommend it. This is just a godsend for people who are trying to get in and out and the treatment really does need to happen.”

For more information about our free transport service and the other support services we offer, visit here or contact us on either 0114 553 3330 or

If you would like to help support our transport service, you can donate towards our running costs below.

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