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What's happening at Weston Park Cancer Charity?

Barnsley Premier Leisure extends Weston Park partnership

We’re very excited that Barnsley Premier Leisure (BPL) has extended a partnership with us for three years after a hugely successful period raising funds and awareness for Weston Park.

National award win for Chesterfield swimming programme

We’re so happy to hear that a swimming programme which provides exercise sessions for people from Chesterfield who are living with and beyond cancer has been recognised with a national award.

Kaiser Chiefs to help paint Doncaster purple as Weston Park race day returns

Doncaster Racecourse will turn purple in June 2022 with the high-profile return of the Ant Marketing Weston Park Cancer Charity race evening.

Gracie's story

Christmas had always been a favourite time of the year for Gracie, but diagnosis followed by aggressive chemotherapy and radiotherapy, was a bewildering time when she was told that she would be going through cancer treatment and spending Christmas in hospital.

Anna's story

After Anna was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, known as choriocarcinoma, she decided to take part in vital research. She hopes to raise awareness, improve our understanding of the cancer and help more women to spend Christmas with their families.

Christmas, Covid and cancer: Amy’s story

For Amy and her boyfriend Jacob, going through a cancer diagnosis with no access to loved ones for support due to lockdown was a challenge like no other.

Reds and Blades - Together At Every Step for Weston Park

The launch of a football season-long partnership between Barnsley FC and Sheffield United FC has raised a near five-figure sum for Weston Park Cancer Charity.

Barnsley transport service hits the road

We’re delighted to have launched a new transport service which provides people living with cancer in Barnsley with free travel to and from Sheffield Teaching Hospitals for treatment.

Emma is appointed chief executive!

We’re extremely happy to announce that Emma Clarke has been appointed the new chief executive of Weston Park Cancer Charity.

Ellie's Story

Ellie tells us what it was like to diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma at 21 and how Weston Park Cancer Charity helped her family.

Sheffield family’s concert is ‘Simply The Best’

A star-studded concert organised by Sheffield's Croke family has raised tens of thousands of pounds to help us provide vital support to people and families facing cancer.

Improving outcomes for secondary breast cancer patients

This Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we are sharing what is going in our region to improve outcomes for people living with breast cancer.